Learn that asking for help is okay and normal. Discover how personal identity is linked to work in men and how high potential for anxiety and depression can result from being too identified or consumed with work. Culturally, men are so linked and tied to achievement and work performance that it is not uncommon for men to feel lost outside of their work or without employment. In fact, some men really struggle with not knowing who they are when not working; for example, some doctors and attorneys, athletes and actors, become so over-identified with their work, that issues related to job injury, job loss due to unemployment, or inevitable retirement can generate powerful but negative feelings of loss and identity, with consequences of anxiety and depression.
Similar issues for women related to loss and identity can surface around the experience of being a mother, as an unplanned pregnancy, or a miscarriage can trigger unfinished business about the meaning of maternity for women as expected mothers, with their mothers. Therapy helps to increase and widen understanding of women and their roles at home and work, in a supportive and healthy context. Plus, discover how therapy can increase women's understanding of men and their needs in relationships. Finally, understand how men's roles and women's expectations for men at home have changed and shaped women's current perceptions of relationships and marriage.
Feel more supported and connected to yourself, peers and family. Teenagers can experience therapy as a safe place to discuss issues that they might not feel comfortable discussing with their parents.